About ONCC and Certification Renewal
Start with the assessment
Your Authorization to Assess (ATA) will be sent to you shortly after your last renewal was approved. Take the assessment when you have about 2 hours when you won’t be called away. The assessment is timed and must be taken in one session. You can’t earn points for renewal until you take the assessment. It will identify the number of points you need for renewal and the subject areas where you can earn them. You must complete the assessment by January 31, of the year your certification is due.
What is the learning plan?
Your learning plan is the number of points you need for renewal and the subject areas where you may earn points. Your learning plan is defined by your Test Results Report or Assessment Results Report. If you are renewing AOCN®, AOCNS®, or CPON® certification, you have a learning plan that requires 50 points.
LearningBuilder is the online tool where you record and submit the points you need for renewal. Your learning plan is on LearningBuilder — it reflects the number of points you need for renewal and the subject areas where you may earn points, as indicated by your Test Results Report or Assessment Results Report.
Continuing competency and renewal
The purpose of ONCC's recertification program is for ONCC Certified nurses to demonstrate continued competency by practicing in their specialty and enhancing their knowledge following initial certification. Recertification seeks to assure the public that certified nurses have maintained a current level of knowledge in the specialty represented by their credential and requires certified nurses to continue those activities essential to the maintenance of knowledge required for their level of practice and certification in the specialty.
Step 1: Are you eligible to renew certification?

What Qualifies as Nursing Practice
Nursing practice may be work experience that is direct and/or indirect patient care in clinical practice, nursing administration, education, research, or consultation in the specialty represented by the credential. The position must be one that may be filled by a Registered Nurse. A position that may also be filled by another licensed care provider may qualify as nursing practice so long as the position may be filled by an RN.
Qualifications for Renewal by Certification
- Current OCN® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada.
- A minimum of one year (12 months) of experience as an RN within the three years (36 months) prior to application, and
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of adult oncology nursing practice (adult care) within the two-and-one-half years (30 months) prior to application.
- Current AOCN® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of adult oncology nursing practice within the four years (48 months) prior to application.
- Current AOCNP® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada
- A minimum of 1,000 hours practice as a nurse practitioner in adult oncology within the four years (48 months) prior to application.
- Current AOCNS® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada at the time of application and examination.
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of practice in roles of the clinical nurse specialist in adult oncology within the four years (48 months) prior to application.
- Current BMTCN® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada
- A minimum of one year (12 months) of experience as an RN within the three years (36 months) prior to application, and
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of blood and marrow stem cell transplantation nursing experience within the two-and-one-half years (30 months) prior to application.
- Current CBCN® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada at the time of application and examination
- A minimum of one year (12 months) of experience as an RN within the three years (36 months) prior to application, and
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of breast care nursing practice within the two-and-one-half years (30 months) prior to application.
- Current CPHON® certification
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada at the time of application and examination
- A minimum of one year (12 months) of experience as an RN within the three years (36 months) prior to application, and
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of pediatric hematology oncology nursing practice within the two-and-one-half years (30 months) prior to application.
- Current CPON® certification, and
- A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories, or Canada, and
- A minimum of one year (12 months) of experience as an RN within the three years (36 months) prior to application, and
- A minimum of 1,000 hours of pediatric oncology nursing practice within the two-and-one-half years (30 months) prior to application.
Step 2: Understand your renewal options and deadlines
Renewal Options
ONCC certifications are valid for four years. Three renewal options are available for most credentials — Option 1 is most popular. You must have a current, active, unencumbered RN license and meet the requirements for a specific renewal option.
- Option 1: Practice hours + Professional Development (Points)
- Option 2: Practice hours + Successful testing
- Option 3: Points + Successful testing
Renewal Deadlines
Renewal applications and completed learning plans are due several months before your certification expires.
- September 15 (of year certification expires): Early-bird application deadline (Save $100 off final deadline fee)
- October 15 (of year certification expires): Final application deadline date.
- March 31 (of year after credential expiration): Final Reinstatement application deadline date.
Step 3: Choose your renewal method
ONCC certifications are valid for four years. Three renewal options are available for most credentials — Option 1 is most popular. You must have a current, active, unencumbered RN license and meet the requirements for a specific renewal option.

Option 1: Practice Hours & Renewal Points

Option 2: Practice Hours & Successful Testing
Not available for AOCNS®, AOCN®, and CPON®.

Option 3: Renewal Points & Successful Testing
Not available for AOCNS®, AOCN®, and CPON®.
Step 4: Submit your renewal application and documentation
Your application for renewal and completed learning plan are due several months before your certification expires.
Note: Beginning in January 2025, renewal applicants will need to provide the last four digits of their social security number and their National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) ID during the application process. Please obtain your NCSBN number from https://nursys.com before completing your online application. At nursys.com, choose the Quick Confirm License Lookup option and follow the on-screen instructions to search for your NCSBN ID. Make a note of your ID number to have available when renewing your certification.
ONCC Policies
Are your familiar with ONCC certification renewal policies?
When you apply for renewal you must indicate that you understand and accept ONCC certification policies.
Application Instructions
ONCC adheres to all published deadline dates. ONCC will not accept applications received after the final deadline date, regardless of postmark or other circumstances. If the deadline falls on a weekend, ONCC will accept applications through the following business day.
We're here to help
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877-769-ONCC (US and Canada only)
+1 412-569-6104 (International)